Here is how you can submit your cancelation of Order

To cancel your order, We are always lets our customer to feeling more comfortable with us, as well as we're always there to help. Because a customer can make order and it can possible that there is a mistake, Wrong order and etc, and you have option to cancel it but only thing you can do is just follow the following instruction;

  1. Ente; or sign in your account in our site,
  2. Once you in your account
  3. Click the option (My Order / Order History and Details)
  4. Click the reference number, or code of the order or product you want to cancel. And once you click the reference, and it will give you a details of that order
  5. In the details of the order, in the last section there is a option that (Add a Message) and The (Product, click the Choose / Select) and in the space write or explain to us why you want to cancel the order.
  6. After write note click send.


  • Once you submited your order cancelation requested, We will work on it and going to respond you as soon as possible, And also we remember you that some product or the service it cannot be cancel. Because there is a service or product it only take less than 30 minute, or less than 1 hour to delivery the (Unlock Code) which is the system calculate the code automatically. But we have another way to cancel if the code refuse to work on your phone.
  • Finally the (Unlock Code) which will take more than 24 hours before to delivery you a chance to cancel it. In this case only thing you do just follow the instruction we gave it above, But the most importact is that you don't need to delay.